Who we are

Agro Care

We care for people. Because it's not a company that grows tomatoes, it's people.

Four countries. Seven locations. And 1,500 employees. That's Agro Care. Twelve months a year we grow tomatoes for the European retail sector. Tomatoes we produce with respect for nature, and especially for people. And for which we like to collaborate with others around us..

Growing, and not just tomatoes

With an area of 261 hectares, Agro Care has become one of the largest tomato producers in Europe. We grow tomatoes in various varieties to meet the requirements of the large retail organisations. Twelve months a year we deliver a uniform quality, by leaving nothing to chance during growth. In the periods of low light in the Netherlands, production is maintained thanks to supplemental lighting. We create additional capacity with our African production locations in Morocco and Tunisia. Producing with an eye for people and nature is paramount at Agro Care.

Seven locations, four countries

Retail organisations place high demands on the delivery reliability of suppliers. With the scale of operations at Agro Care, we can effortlessly meet any required volume. And by spreading the cultivation over several countries we have perfect backup options during the Dutch winter: towards Morocco and Tunisia, where the cultivation conditions are just right for a tasty tomato..

Desert Joy

As one of the first cultivation companies in the Netherlands, Agro Care discovered the potential of a horticultural country like Tunisia. This led to the start of Desert Joy, a production company in the African country that is more than just a tomato producer. In Tunisia we are able to give optimal substance to our slogan 'We care for people'. Not only by being a large employer that offers employees opportunities for further development, but also by taking initiatives to raise the standard of living in the region..